‘Sneh’ means ‘Love/Affection,’ and in Sneh Therapy, we aim to bring you closer to yourself through our services and therapeutic alliance. We believe that no matter what you come to us for, you already carry within you an ocean of Intuitive Wisdom. At Sneh therapy, we strive not only to help you discover this wisdom but also to use it as a compass in your life, helping you heal through anything, be it anxiety, depression, relationship conflict, eating disorders, and more. Our goal is to find pathways that guide you back home—to yourself.
Sneh therapy hopes for you to Re-Define, Re-Instate, and Re-Claim your relationship with yourself, others, and the world at large. Therapy will empower you to remain Centred & Anchored in yourself as you navigate the hilltops and valleys of your life. Even if nothing around you changes, a new and a more resourceful self will emerge.
You are exactly where you are supposed to be if you-
Want to heal by meeting yourself again;
Want to experience a safe space for your vulnerable parts;
Want to reconnect with your authenticity, values, and needs;
Want to give yourself the permission slip to just be.
If any part of you voices the need to enhance your overall well being through therapy, then that part deserves to be honoured.
Snehal Saraf

My existential quest and I share a long history, dating back to my school years. I believed that knowing the truth of this Universe's existence would help me make sense of my own; and kid you not, I made most of my life up till now a journey to unravel the secrets of life. I read books after books on spirituality, mysticism, and mythology, constantly striving to evolve and better myself to understand my purpose here. Despite my efforts, I never felt quite there because there was always so much more to know and so much more to become. Along the way, I thankfully realized, “Hey, I am a part of and perhaps the most accessible contact to the universe! Maybe I embody all the answers I ever want to know!” And this is when I turned from outwards to inwards and began my journey to meet myself in my wholeness and authenticity. It has not been an easy commitment—it makes me confront and peel away one layer at a time, and it's endless. But I am learning to go slow, to be kind and gentle with myself. Though I couldn't pursue Metaphysics and other such interest areas ,I found a profession that facilitates my quest in the most beautiful manner. The mental health field and I chose each other! Together, we are a force, pushing hard to facilitate empowering identities and offering a new lease on life to those we touch. My favourite therapist and author, Irvin Yalom, says, “...one needs technique in learning to play the piano, but eventually, if one is to make music, one must transcend learned techniques and trust one’s spontaneous moves.” After my first session as a professional, which surprisingly never felt like a first, I knew it wasn't just my educational skills that came forth; there was something more. Over time, I named that 'more' as 'intuitive wisdom,' a product of all my life experiences, deep introspective periods, the books I've read, and so much more that I may never fully understand. In sessions, I access this intuition by being deeply Present and Authentic with my clients. I believe in showing up with all my humanness because therapy is not just about techniques and theories. It is the relational template the client and therapist share that facilitates healing. When I enter with my flaws and strengths with full ownership, clients model after it and give themselves permission to be authentic as well. This work means so much to me, and aligns perfectly with what my dearest philosopher and mystic Rumi says: “What you seek, is seeking you.” One of the turning points in my life was exposure to Narcissism-a whole new world opened up that one could never believe exists because it so dark, with several illusions of light that can keep one caught up in the maze. Figuring my way out of the maze made me experience reality, life, and self differently, and I began to see the larger scheme of things. My career saw a major shift post my healing, wherein I was coincidentally sought by clients wanting to improve their toxic relationships, which turned out to be Narcissistic. A common narrative among them was: “Can a person really do this to another? Is this only happening to me because I am not good enough? What do I need to change to be loved? Why me?” This is when I knew that I have to bring my amazing survivors of abuse or Empaths together for them to know- IT IS NOT YOU & YOU DESERVE THE BEST! Hence, I run a support group called ‘Empowered Empaths’ for individuals navigating or surviving narcissistic abuse, as well as provide one-on-one counseling to heal from narcissistic abuse. I want to hold space for multiple realities and help clients know that in the stream of endless possibilities, they can have their own truth to hold on to as well! When not in the shoes of a therapist, I can be seen putting pen to paper, reading, Latin dancing, practicing yoga, or swinging on my swing.
Priyal Kothari

Let me begin by taking you back to the early '90s— a little girl was born in Calcutta to very liberal parents. She moved through life with a curious mind and a compassionate heart. Her parents encouraged her to nurture her calling and tread the less-travelled path. Despite clinching a spot in the top five of her class and being coaxed by teachers and relatives to pursue a ‘secure and lucrative’ career in Science/Commerce, she yearned to study Psychology, and opted for the least-chosen stream. The human mind intrigued her, and mental health felt like a sector that would need attention in the coming years. Fast forward to 2014, life took a bittersweet turn when she secured a seat at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, for her Master's. Although she narrowly missed securing a spot in her first choice, MA in Counselling Psychology, she pursued an MA in Social Work in Mental Health to stay connected to the sector. In retrospect, this decision was a defining point in her life. It helped her develop a micro-macro perspective on mental health and its relationship with various structural factors. And, they rightly say, perspective informs practice. After graduating, she joined Iswar Sankalpa as a Programme Officer in Kolkata, an organization which works at the intersections of homelessness and psychosocial disabilities. Seven years with the organization in various capacities helped her understand and address mental health and marginalization, enabling the most vulnerable populations to access mental health services. She dedicated these years to advocating for community mental health through articles, reports, and grant-writing working closely with NGOs, and institutional funders such as the Azim Premji Foundation, Human Capability Foundation, and Mariwala Health Initiatives, amongst others. She also co-authored significant publications with the World Health Organisation, University of Edinburgh, and Azim Premji University. Her passion for organizational development led her to conduct intensive training on team building, leadership development, and quality assurance frameworks. Over time, she diversified by training as a PoSH practitioner to build diverse, equitable, inclusive, and safe workspaces. In June 2024, she joined Sneh Therapy as a Co-founder to build a mental health organization with her sister, fulfilling a dream they had shared since childhood. Well, this is the story of my life. Of, change. Of the idea that there’s potential in every being and that possibilities are endless. Of the fact that there is no dichotomy in life- business and social work can go hand in hand. Of the Divine’s plans, which are better than mine. How I am known- A Young, Hindu, Upper class, Educated, Marwari, Cis-Het Woman. How I would like to be known instead: A person who, -Deeply understands her privileges and social location, using them to be an ally and advocate for the voices shunned, suppressed, and silenced by the socio-cultural and political set-up we all are a part of. - Deeply enjoys being multifaceted and wearing many professional hats. - Deeply intends to destigmatise and decolonize mental health through individual and organizational interventions. And as someone, who is a Dreamer (and I know I am not the only one), Envisioning a time when Honesty is not viewed as a card to be played; Trust is not ensured through the installation of cameras; Safety is not a feeling sought in strangers, Innocence is not mistaken for Ignorance, and Love is not believed to exist only in movies, books, and songs. As the name suggests, at Sneh Therapy, we are here to offer you love & support—in abundance.